ARACNE was used to reconstruct transcriptional regulatory netowrks (TRNs) using a public MM gene expression data set GSE6477.
data(bcellViper, package="bcellViper")
# load gene expression
gene = rownames(ExS)
mT = data.frame(gene, ExS)
# write.table(mT, file = "ARACNE/raw/GSE6477.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = F)
# find regulators
Regulator = intersect(names(regulon), gene)
# write.table(cbind(Regulator), file = "ARACNE/raw/Regulator.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote = F)
Thresholding the mutual information threshold:
-Xmx8g -jar /sibcb2/bioinformatics/software/ARACNe-AP/Aracne.jar \
java -e ARACNE/raw/GSE6477.txt \
-o ARACNE/out \
--tfs ARACNE/raw/Regulator.txt \
--pvalue 1E-8 \
--seed 1 \
Run 100 bootstraps:
Consolidate all networks:
-Xmx8g -jar /sibcb2/bioinformatics/software/ARACNe-AP/Aracne.jar \
java -o ARACNE/out/ \
network = read.table(file = "ARACNE/network_consolidated.txt", row.names = NULL, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
Regulator Target MI pvalue
1 FUBP3 TOPORS 0.4333787 0.00000000
2 ZNF593 MRPL4 0.3711633 0.00000000
3 TAF12 MRC1 0.2746556 0.02477282
4 CBX2 PRB3 0.3652976 0.02477282
5 CBX2 PRB4 0.3449795 0.00000000
6 CBX2 PRG3 0.3225342 0.02477282
MM_regul <- aracne2regulon("ARACNE/network_consolidated.txt", ExS)
save(MM_regul, file = "RData/MM_regul.RData")
We used VIPER to identify master regulators that potential drive MM progression.
Enrichment of MM progression signature in patient samples:
# get mean expression
Index = sapply(strsplit(colnames(ExS), "_"), function(x) x[2]) == "NewMM"
Ex = ExS[, Index]
refMean <- apply(Ex, 1, mean)
ExCentered <- Ex - refMean
# Load expression signature
UP <- sigList$MM1S$UP
DN <- sigList$MM1S$DN
# get Z-score for the enrichment of signatures
M <- ncol(ExCentered)
zPOS <- rep(0, M)
zNEG <- rep(0, M)
for(i in 1:M){
fcVector <- ExCentered[,i]
gsList <- list(UP = UP, DN = DN)
tempZ <- SimpleRankTest(fcVector, gsList)
zPOS[i] <- tempZ[1]
zNEG[i] <- tempZ[2]
zDIF <- zPOS - zNEG
names(zDIF) <- colnames(Ex)
zDIF <- sort(zDIF)
Comparing samples that are more agressive and those that are less agressive:
# get samples with high or low z-scores
cutoff = median(zDIF)
hName = names(zDIF)[zDIF > cutoff]
lName = names(zDIF)[zDIF < cutoff]
hM = ExS[, hName]
lM = ExS[, lName]
group = c(rep("high", length(hName)), rep("low", length(lName)))
signature = rowTtest(hM, lM)
signature <- (qnorm(signature$p.value/2, lower.tail = FALSE) *sign(signature$statistic))[, 1]
nullmodel = ttestNull(hM, lM, per = 1000, repos = TRUE, seed = 1, verbose = FALSE)
mrs <- msviper(signature, MM_regul, nullmodel, verbose = FALSE)
Plot top master regulators:
Tx = summary(mrs, 100)
# write.table(Tx, file = "ARACNE/Enriched_regulators.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
options(repr.plot.width=6, repr.plot.height=10, repr.plot.res = 200)
plot(mrs, 30, cex = 1)