In order to run the whole workflow of DNA methylation haplotype analysis, some annotation files are needed. For example, genome files are required to align sequence reads using Bsmap; while Bismark indexes are required for Bismark alignment. CpG sites and indexes are specifically required to run mHapTools. These annotation files are hosted in our server and can also be accessed below.
Genome | Reference | Bismark index | CpG sites | CpG Islands |
hg19 | hg19.fa | hg19_index | hg19_CpG.gz hg19_CpG.gz.tbi |
hg19_cpgisland.bed |
hg38 | hg38.fa | hg38_index | hg38_CpG.gz hg38_CpG.gz.tbi |
hg38_cpgisland.bed |
mm9 | mm9.fa | mm9_index | mm9_CpG.gz mm9_CpG.gz.tbi |
mm9_cpgisland.bed |
mm10 | mm10.fa | mm10_index | mm10_CpG.gz mm10_CpG.gz.tbi |
mm10_cpgisland.bed |
If you are working with other genomes, you can let us konw and we will add more annotation files in the future. Alternatively, you can generate them as described below.